Did you know over 20% of Bryan County is on a free or reduced lunch?
Help us take a bite out of the school lunch debt! All proceeds will go straight to the Bryan County Nutrition Department to pay for hot meals when kids reach the debt limit. 
On average 110 kids a day are served an alternate lunch, our goal is to provide all of these children with a hot meal. 
Below you can find the link to apply for free and reduced lunch as well as the 2023/2024 standards! 

Bryan County School Lunch Debt

School Lunch Donation

School Lunch Donation

$11.25 - $110.00

Buy now

Apply for Free/Reduced Lunch Online

Richmond Hill Farmers Market Information

We are Open for the season! 
Every Saturday from 3-6pm starting May 4th
JF Gregory Park, 521 Cedar St. 
Richmond Hill, GA 31324